Poor audio quality
Poor audio quality can be be caused by Mobile device settings, Network problems or the whereabouts of the user.
Mobile device
- Is Wifi calling enabled? In case the Wifi network is busy or unstable it can have dramatic impact on the call quality. Does the quality improve when Wifi calling is disabled?
- Is 4G calling enabled? Does the quality improve when the setting is disabled?
Network coverage
The Mobile network operator has to perform maintenance on the network, this is primarily done at time windows with low impact, but it can occur the maintenance cannot wait and will be performed during busy hours. In other cases there are defects on the Mobile network which for some reasons are not known (yet) to the Mobile network operator.
- Check the Mobile Network - Outage / Maintenance Map for outages or ongoing scheduled maintenance.
- Does the issue occur Indoors, Outdoors or both? With modern buildings the Mobile network signal indoors can decrease dramatically
When filing a poor audio problem report please also provide information about the type of audio issue
- Dropping calls
- Mechanical sound
- One way audio
- Missed calls
In case the issue remains file a problem report.