How to monitor the audio quality on a Yealink device

The audio quality can easily be monitored in a Yealink device. If your customer experience audio issues, you can activate the monitoring on a Yealink device. Please follow the steps below:


  1. Login into you Yealink device

  2. Go to "Settings" in the top-menu

  3. Go to "Voice monitoring" and set the following options:

Now press "Confirm" and make a test call for at least two minutes. After the test call, you can see the results:

  1. Go to "Settings" in the top-menu

  2. Go to "RTP Status" in the left-menu


Here you can find the following information:

Start Time

The exact start time of the call

End Time

The exact end time of the call

Local user

SIP account used for the call

Remote user

Internal number user

Local IP

local IP address of the SIP phone

Remote IP

The IP-address from Kwebbl used for the call

Local port

local port used for the call

Remote port

Remote port used for the call


Local CODEC used for the call

Remote CODEC

CODEC used from Kwebbl


indicating variations in packet arrival time


indicating variations in packet arrival time


The amount of packets lost during the call


The amount of packets lost during the call


Quality score Listener 


Quality score conversation


Extra information:

Packet Loss - If Packets are lost during a call, the user will hear an audio drop or 'glitch'. In most scenarios the packets are lost in the local network or internet connection from the customer. 


MOS - Mean Opinion Score -  is a measure used to give a call a score. The MOS is expressed as a single rational number, typically in the range 1–5, where 1 is lowest perceived quality, and 5 is the highest perceived quality. VoIP calls often are in the 3.5 to 4.2 MOS range.  The following chart can be used as a guide for VoIP MOS testing and a good comparison for voice quality.


4.3 - 5.0

Very satisfied

4.0 - 4.3


3.6 - 4.0

Some users are satisfied 

3.1 - 3.6

Many users dissatisfied

2.6 - 3.1

Nearly all users are dissatisfied

1.0 - 2.6

All users are dissatisfied